Log Update

  • 6/6/24 ~ Got a Neocities account and the website was born!! Happy Pride Month everybody!
  • 6/8/24 ~ Made a site button.
  • 6/9/24 ~ Updated the 404 page to its best version and added various cliques.
  • 6/10/24 ~ Inlcuded my credits / links page to the main menu and moved the "to-do list" there from this main page. Also got access to status.cafe!
  • 6/11/24 ~ Added pics to my main page and moved the cliques to my links page.
  • 6/18/2024 ~ Coded my About Page!!
  • 6/22/24 ~ Gave the Links Page a new look for the sake of varitey.
  • 6/28/24 ~ Offically gave my website an offical rating.
  • 6/29/2024 ~ Finally fully coded and posted my blog (which I started to make on 6/21), complete with the very first entry!!
  • 7/11/2024 ~ Made a full page dedicated to these updates!
  • 7/12/2024 ~ Changed my Links Page's style back to the orignal. (In hopes of getting making a CSS, me thinks.)
  • 7/18/24 ~ Made the pages slightly wider, like a Mike 'n Ikes candy bean.
  • 7/19/24 ~ Finished coding both my writing and art gallery pages, even if they are huge WIPs in terms of content.
  • 7/29/24 ~ Redid my About Page (which I attempted to make on 7/20).
  • 8/8/24 ~ Published "The Neocities Top 100 Questionnaire!" to my writings page
  • 8/23/24 ~ Deleted the art page (for the time being).