art by eggoatt

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Madeline ~ they/she/it ~ 21+

Hi there! Your local toony werido here, at your service. While I go by many names, Revary (pronouced like reverie) has always been by online alias since around 2015. To reference that famous quote about women born after 1993 not being able to cook (like me LOL), I know strawberries, charge my iPad, yearn, eat good chip and be cringe yet free!

I'm a certified girlkisser and extremely queer in every sense of the word! Aside from that, I am autistic and a proud furry, which probably explains a lot about my rather eccentric behavior, the art that I make and how I interact with the world in general amd even haha.

I am also verrrry otherkind / nonhuman and fictionkind. I have known this for about 3 years now! You could say that the history and experiences of alterhumanity are a special interest of mine. You can be able to see all of my kintypes and more info about my otherkinity here! Please do not refer to me as human!

I am extremely passonite when it comes to art, whether it is be creating it (like drawing or journalling) or consuming it. I have a basket full of favorite pieces of media and other general things that I want to show to you all someday, but the most ones - the Holy Trinity if you will - are Celeste, Studio Ghibli and Love Live (specifically Love Live! Sunshine!!).

My motivation regarding creating in general may be rather topsy-turvy, but I still persist and I'm able to make my colors fly! After all, you can find inspiration everywhere if you use your spirit! ^w^