Reverie Mountain
Bonjam and greetings, efurryone! Welcome to my starry safe space in the digital sea!
I have been exploring and lurking around the web ever since I was a kit and even made fun videos for an imaginary audience! Given how meaningful and comforting the internet has been to me for so many years, I knew that I needed to make a place I would personally call my own. A place to creatively express my heart and soul, as well as make my mark on the world! So, when I discovered the magic of Neocities, I knew this was an opportunity I simply couldn’t ignore!
Sure, the idea of having social media accounts sounds rather pleasant in a vacuum, but in reality, just the thought of interacting with modern social media sites in all of its extremities REALLY stresses me out...
Now, coding isn't exactly my strongsuit, but I assure you that more aspects will be added on and evolve overtime!
So...Yeah! I don’t really know what else to say here but that too could be updated sooner or later. Have a good time here~